Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Abigail

So the other day, Abigail informs me that she wants to be an animal rescuer when she grows.  I asked her, "What kind of animals do you want to rescue?"  She replies, "The ones at the zoo."  So I corrected her that she wanted to be a zoo keeper.  She then tells me, "If I just had a car I would go take care of them now.".  Of course, I laughed. (That silly girl is obsessed with cars)  So I asked her which animals at the zoo would she like to care for.  She replied, "the giraffes".  I said they would think she is a snack to eat since she is so small.  She then tells me that she really wants to take care of the dragons.  I told her, "Dragons do not exist. They are not real."  She said, "Sure they do.  I really like the ones with wings that fly."  She was so sure I just had to let it be!  I think she thinks the movie, "How to Tame Your Dragon" must be real?

I love her imagination.  Ahhh... To be a kid:)  She also says the funniest things!

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